Three elements of art that I used in this project were texture, form, and shape. Texture is shown through the three round pieces and the two cone shaped pieces on the sides. It can be described as a rock texture on the cones and a porous texture on the round parts. Form is created by the bubbly part on the left of the piece. Shape is shown from the surface parts of the project showing mostly circles. The three principles of art in this project are movement, variety, and unity.  Movement is created through the stringy pieces that wrap all throughout the piece. Also movement is created through an arc from tip to top. Variety is expressed through the mulitple shapes and forms throughout the piece. Unity is shown to how everything comes to together at the tip of the piece on the back. To me the work kind of feels like some kind of alien lifeform of some sort. Theirs not really a mood to the work. I believe i had pretty good craftsmanship while making this project, I think I would of made the project bigger though if I had to remake it.

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